XL 300
The Erba XL 300 is an open system, automated, discrete, random access, patient prioritised clinical chemistry analyzer with throughput of 300 tests per hour. It has a versatile system to analyze substrates, enzymes, specific proteins, drug assays, D.A.U etc. with unlimited data storage.
- Unique result re-calculation facility that eliminates repeat runs
- Allows to use Immuno Turbidimetric, Latex Turbidimetric based methods
- Static photometer design with diffraction grating and diode array detectors
- Lower reagent consumption due to reading volume of 200 µ
- Unlimited test programmes, any number of calculation items,unlimited test profiles
- Choice of 12 wavelengths from 340 to 750 nm with O.D. range from 0 to 3.5 Abs
- Quality Control programme to provide daily & monthly Levy-Jenning Graphs & Twin Plot
- Soft start and stop of all reagent and sample probes
- Vertical Obstruction Detection (VOD) system protects the probe needles from damage
- Separation of biohazardous waste for safe disposal
- Float sensor based platform with alarms for D.I. water, cleaning solution and waste containers
- Storage of calibration trace data with reagent blank O.D. and calibration O.D.